I got the BEST email yesterday! This came from someone who gets my Weekly Broadcast where I share some bit of inspiration or resource every Tuesday(ish).
I’ve been sharing about [Study Hall] lately too, and inviting folks to ask for a [Hall Pass] if they want to try it out for a week before they make the commitment.
(If you'd like a [Hall Pass], just email me here and I'll send it your way!)
Here was her honest and courageous message:
“Hey Angie!
I’d love a Hall Pass. I think I’ve been nervous to join because I travel a lot and didn’t want to have to miss a session and feel left out :) So I’m curious about the “vibes”.” - L
Here’s my reply…
“Thanks so much for reaching out. I'm SO glad you shared how you were feeling because I bet you're not the only one!
Actually, it's one of the things I've loved about [Study Hall] so far -- it's been a new mix every time! Some repeat faces, some new, and always warm, comfortable, and encouraging. I really do attract the most spectacular humans!
If you do decide to join, you definitely don't have to come to every single session. I'm offering them weekly so you can still get plenty of value even if you do only drop in twice a month! I'm urging everyone to put it in their calendars thought to put a fence around that space and claim it as their own!!
I also wanted to share this b/c it was such a powerful ending to last week's session. As we were all saying goodbye, this was the closing stream of thoughts in the chat box....these are all from women who have never met prior to that day!
B -- So nice to work in a group!
W -- Nice to meet everyone today!
R -- Strangely and wonderfully comfortable to be with strangers who are friends and fellow change agents!!
W -- Agree!!
B -- I’ll be traveling next week so will miss you all!
J -- Agree - thank you to everyone for holding the space!
B -- Thank you all!
It was such a beautiful confirmation for why I'm creating this space. We need it so much and yet it feels like a tough thing to ask for.”
I know she's not alone in feeling unsure about making a new commitment. [Study Hall] is a commitment that's all about clearing out the clutter, not adding more!!
Please reach out with any questions and do let me know if you'd like a [Hall Pass] too!!
No pressure, no strings attached. Just come check it out and see if it's for you.
With love,
- Angie Cole
Writer, Wanderer, Wonderer, Guide