(formerly known as)
(formerly known as)
More Love Stories...
I had forgotten...
"I wanted to give a heartfelt and public thank you, so you can know how much you helped me and also, so others can know the value of the work you do.
Despite the fact that I show up to my life with the same level of honesty as I do when I am sitting across from you, I had forgotten what it feels like to be truly seen and heard. I had forgotten how good it feels and how much clarity it can bring.
I had forgotten the profound impact of having another listen and suspend their own judgments to witness and relate and hold space for you. To have someone ask questions designed to get deep quickly.
I had forgotten this, and I do it all day, everyday for others. I tell people, "That's the magic of therapy.", and then I forget because I am not on the receiving end of it. I tell people, "I'm just here to help you find your own answers and get honest with yourself" - then I forget to seek out someone to do that for me. We can't do it for ourselves, not like this.
I will continue to crave that level of interaction in all of my relationships, for my entire lifetime, but because I know that is outside of my full control, and I too need someone to hold the space for me, I'm glad I have you to reach out to."